Celebrating the Opening of Our New Building at St Mary’s!

On Wednesday, 17th April 2024, the St Mary’s Catholic Primary School community gathered to celebrate a momentous occasion—the official opening of our brand-new school building! It was a day filled with joy, pride, and a shared sense of accomplishment for everyone who contributed to bringing this dream to life.

A Ceremony Filled with Heart

The ceremony itself was a beautiful reflection of our St Mary’s School spirit. Our adorable Foundation students stole the show with a heartwarming Welcome to Country, setting the tone for a gratitude-filled day. Principal Shane’s message resonated deeply, reminding us of the core values of belief, faith, and perseverance that have guided us throughout this journey.

Large screens displayed stunning photos of the new spaces, allowing everyone to appreciate the incredible transformation that has taken place. We were also honoured to welcome special guests who played a pivotal role in this project’s success. Terry Mulvaney from MACS, Brian Donovan, Director from Jardon, and Mark Freeman, Partner from Gray Puksand, brought their unique perspectives to the occasion. Additionally, past families, members of the Steering Committee, builders, architects, and other members of the MACS team joined us in celebrating this milestone. We were especially delighted to have Michael O’Brien, MP, join the festivities.

The ceremony, concelebrated by Bishop Tony Ireland, Monsignor Stuart Hall, Father Gallacher, and Father Tom, added a profound layer of spiritual significance to the day.


A New Chapter Begins

As the formalities concluded, our students returned to their classrooms for a special activity. Each student crafted a unique origami bird, which will be collated into a stunning whole-school art installation – a lasting reminder of our new and improved learning environment.

The clergy, led by Bishop Tony Ireland, blessed each new space with holy water, and tours were offered throughout the morning, allowing everyone to explore the exciting possibilities these new facilities offer. The day concluded with a delicious morning tea, allowing our community to connect and celebrate together. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement and a sense of accomplishment.

Building a Brighter Future

As you may recall from previous updates, the new building project was ambitious. We faced unprecedented challenges in the current building climate. Still, through collaboration and unwavering commitment, St Mary’s School, Gray Puksand Architects, Jardon Group, and Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools have delivered a truly exceptional outcome.

The new spaces address the limitations of our previous layout, providing:

  • Ample breakout spaces: These areas will enhance student learning, facilitate staff professional development, and provide suitable venues for parent-teacher conferences and consultant visits.
  • A purpose-built Library and Learning Resource Centre: This dedicated space will foster a love of learning and provide a haven for students to explore and engage with knowledge.
  • Upgraded bathroom facilities: Modern and accessible bathrooms are now available in the building.
  • A welcoming parent and multipurpose space: This versatile area provides a comfortable space for parents to interact and a venue for various school functions such as our Playgroup sessions.
  • Improved connectivity throughout the building: The new layout promotes a sense of cohesion and allows for more straightforward navigation.
  • Enhanced accessibility: A lift provides access to all parts of the building, ensuring inclusivity for all members of our school community.
  • Modernised essential services: Upgrades were made to various essential services within the building.

What does this mean for our students?

The new building is much more than just bricks and mortar; it’s an investment in the future of our students’ learning and well-being. Here’s how it will benefit them:

  • Academic performance: Improved learning environments will equip educators to deliver more engaging and effective programs.
  • Student well-being: Dedicated spaces, upgraded facilities, and a more modern atmosphere will contribute to a sense of comfort and security.
  • Social and emotional development: Enhanced connectivity, interaction spaces, and a welcoming environment will foster positive relationships and a strong sense of community.

A Shared Success

The opening of the new building is a testament to our entire school community’s dedication and collaborative spirit. We are incredibly grateful to everyone who contributed to this project, from our students and staff to our families, architects, builders, and all the members of the MACS team.

This is a new chapter for St Mary’s, and we are excited to see the countless learning opportunities and lasting memories that students will create within these new walls!

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